目前分類:西藏 (22)

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  • Sep 05 Mon 2005 22:03

olivehsiao 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

在浪卡子與江孜交界, 也在寧金崗峰下囉

其實這裡除了冰川, 我個人覺的景緻到是還好囉,

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在過了卡惹拉冰川後, 忘了因什麼原因停了車,

但那片油菜花田真的好黃, 好美,

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先前我己經有放了幾張超美的照片!它的藏語的意思是 碧玉湖”,

措的意思好像就是湖吧. 若沒有記錯的話啦..

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又叫五體投地禮..這是藏傳佛教中, 信徒們的一種虔誠的拜佛儀式.


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在西藏,最常見的石刻藝術應該是瑪尼石, 我這次看到最壯觀的是在納木措所見,

通常或堆成尖塔, 立於山上, 河邊, 路邊, 墓地或是橋樑,

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那些旗子並不是用來晾衣服的, 它們的名字是五色風馬, 是藏區的大地景對藝術, 在西藏可是四處都可以看到飄揚著印有經文的風馬旗

五色是指藍(藍天), (火焰), (白雲), (江河), (大地),

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布達拉是西藏的地標, 更是世界文化遺產之一. 

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8/8 台灣飛上海, 開會

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雖說我們並不是林志玲, 沒有身價可以僱sos專機..

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去看了醫生...也因為症狀有發焼. 拉肚子..被投以異樣的眼光..

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When we complained the bad weather yesterday, 
But then we found it was so good to have a heavy rain during those two days. 

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Amazing place---Shangalila...

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At our first day went out of Lasha, we also visited one nice places which name  is " Yang Chou Jou Chou".  This is their "santa lake and I remembered there is about 4800 ft high.  
I really liked this lake, but in ordered to take a pic. with crow, I was asked RMB 5.  But I only touched it's horn not riding it.  So, I had no willing to pay...and run away...

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I really wanted to go to Al-Li, because there is a great mountain which they call "Santa Mountain", and a becautiful lake.
Unfortuntely, I got the flu when I was in "Qomolangma mountain", and I swallowed all days.  So My partner, Peggy, and I decided to change our plan to visit the other place.

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Tomorrow, I won't be in Lasha,
We are planing to some becautiful lake and mountains..

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Today is my third days in Tibet, and also the last days in Lasah..
So, I think since tomorrow, I can't get the access to use the internet.

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